
In Conversation with Simon Baker: Job Satisfaction

In the second of our ‘In conversation…’ podcasts, Kevin Britten, our Managing Director, and Simon Baker, our Head of Operations, discuss career choices and career changes. They talk about how enjoyment and satisfaction should be major factors when making work and life choices, and how ‘loving what you do’ really does have a big impact on success…[Read More]

In Conversation with Chris McCarthy: HR Issues in the Media/Marketing Sector

Our Managing Director Kevin Britten, and Mango Tango CEO Chris McCarthy discuss the HR challenges of recruiting and retaining staff in the creative sector of Media/Marketing. In this podcast they also consider the mix of acquiring experienced talent versus growing your own talent plus the issues arising from work which is divided between agency side and client side…[Read More]

Staff Outsourcing explained: What is Staff Outsourcing?

Employer of Record (EOR), Professional Employment Organisation (PEO), staff outsourcing… what do these terms mean? How do businesses use these services and why? In this podcast, Kevin Britten, Managing Director of Top Recruitment Cambodia, answers these questions and explains how the modern practice of outsourcing non-core business activities happens in the Cambodian market…[Read More]

Recruitment Agencies: How does a Recruitment Agency Work?

In the recruitment market in Cambodia, there are numerous challenges. Kevin Britten, the Top Recruitment Cambodia’s Managing Director has deep insight on how agency recruitment works in Cambodia. He believes that sticking to a strong process is why his company is Cambodia’s number one recruitment agency for managerial and professional talent…[Read More]

Market Update: Recruitment, the Workforce and Future Trends in the Cambodia Market

In this interview with the Executive Director of the British Business Chamber in Cambodia, our MD gives listeners valuable market insight. Although the interview is aimed at inbound investors, it is also useful for HR professionals, business owners and anyone with an interest in hiring and developing talent in Cambodia…[Read More]